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Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Knowing The Nose

It ought to be a commonplace that anything that goes up the nose is going to impact on the brain one way or another. Just as much as we accept that particulates going into the nose can end up in the lungs.

The question is what happens when they get there? For the most part the human set up is able to deal with a huge variety of nasal intake. It is all part of earth and our surroundings. This article indicates that we know more about the effects these days than in the past.

One issue that I have found worrying when we go out and about is often the sense of smell is knocked out by one experience or another. Bad traffic fumes are one. Being in a room which is a strong mix of varied substances is another. My memory of military gas training is yet another.

In the last decade or so the personal and household products industry have made an assault on the sense of smell in the inclusion of strong aromatics into very many products and in ventilating systems. Yet there has been little research into this and what it is all doing to our brains.

Brains mean how we function and our behaviour patterns. Also the brain is highly sensitive to changes in blood flow and content and intakes from the atmosphere. So when the aromatics etc. knock out the sense of smell not only is it deforming one of the basic senses it must be having other effects.

Yet our health authorities are evading the issue and frantically try to divert discussion into a debate on Pavlovian reactions when questions of toxicity arise.

Something must he happening, but what?

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