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Tuesday 3 May 2011

Eating Out Or In

For those with allergies going out and eating out can present problems.

With so little plain food with wholly natural content on modern menus and so much pre-prepared food that is delivered to the restaurant, pub’ chain or fast food outlet that might be visited it is difficult to be certain of what they contain.

A look at the contents of many similar food products available in supermarkets and even in “health” shops can reveal many and unexpected things in the content.

So in this article in Science Daily about allergy issues in eating places is really no surprise. The reactions and assumptions of staff mirror those experienced by people who have other allergies than food

If the allergic reaction a person might have is mild it is one thing, but if it is very uncomfortable and hurts it is another. It does mean that many are unwilling to take the chance.

In a world now where the typical products contains a wide range of substances, natural and synthetic the risks are greater. Also, the amounts in total and complexity of content and production methods all add to the risk of provoking other allergies or higher level reactions.

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